Philippe WERLE
SSI GOV – Advancing Cyber Resilience: Principles and Tools for Boards
« A first-of-its-kind resource to support board of directors and CEO to take action on cybersecurity and cyber resilience strategy. »
ECSO – Cyber Security Market Radar
The ECSO Cybersecurity Market Radar
5 November 2018
The leading visualisation tool representing the Europe-based cybersecurity product vendor, service provider and consultancy offering
Launched on the 5 November 2018, the ECSO Cybersecurity Market Radar presents the first step towards more market transparency in the European Cybersecurity industry.
The Radar provides information on the availability of products and services according to an action-oriented taxonomy and the size of the listed companies, according to the EU definitions of Micro, SMEs and Large Companies. The Radar delivers visibility and complementary facts on the Digital Single Market’s cybersecurity state-of-play in terms of deployment-ready native capabilities.
[Essay] Machine Politics by Fred Turner
« [Essay] Machine Politics by Fred Turner
By Fred Turner
32-41 minutes
“The Goliath of totalitarianism will be brought down by the David of the microchip,” Ronald Reagan said in 1989. He was speaking to a thousand British notables in London’s historic Guildhall, several months before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Reagan proclaimed that the world was on the precipice of “a new era in human history,” one that would bring “peace and freedom for all.” Communism was crumbling, just as fascism had before it. Liberal democracies would soon encircle the globe, thanks to the innovations of Silicon Valley. »
« At the time, most everyone thought Reagan was right. The twentieth century had been dominated by media that delivered the same material to millions of people at the same time—radio and newspapers, movies and television. These were the kinds of one-to-many, top-down mass media that Orwell’s Big Brother had used to stay in power. Now, however, Americans were catching sight of the internet. »
« One of the deepest ironies of our current situation is that the modes of communication that enable today’s authoritarians were first dreamed up to defeat them. The same technologies that were meant to level the political playing field have brought troll farms and Russian bots to corrupt our elections. »
« Fred Turner is Harry and Norman Chandler Professor of Communication at Stanford University. »
ANSSI – Label EBIOS Risk Manager
Des outils pour faciliter le management du risque numérique
Liste des logiciels en cours de labellisation
IoT & Security by Design – Thousands of industrial refrigerators can be remotely defrosted
« More than 7,000 vulnerable temperature controlled systems, manufactured by U.K.-based firm Resource Data Management, are accessible from the Internet and can be controlled by simply plugging in its default password found in documentation on the company’s website, according to Noam Rotem, one of the security researchers who found the vulnerable systems.
Many of these vulnerable units are found in industrial refrigerators in restaurants, hospitals, and supermarkets and grocery stores from the U.K., Ireland, and as far away as Sweden, Germany and China. The researchers also found a pharmaceutical company in Malaysia and a cooling facility in Germany. »
Cyber Espionnage – Etat émiratie, mercenaires & espions
« La diplomatie émiratie se défend après les révélations de cyberespionnage
Par Corentin Durand – il y a 1 heure
3-4 minutes
L’agence Reuters a dévoilé un programme de cyberespionnage mis en place par Abu Dhabi, forçant la diplomatie de la pétromonarchie à nier publiquement les accusations.
Le 30 janvier dernier, l’agence presse Reuters publiait une enquête importante sur l’arsenal cyber développé par les Émirats arabes unis (E.A.U.) grâce au soutien de « mercenaires » américains. Durant cette enquête, une ancienne espionne américaine, Lori Stroud, confiait avoir quitté sa mission auprès du régime émirati en découvrant que ce dernier comptait étendre son opération d’espionnage à des citoyens américains. »