Quantum computing – IBM cleams another step

« IBM said Wednesday that it has cleared two key hurdles as the computer industry chases a practical working quantum computer.

The two breakthroughs for IBM include detection of two types of quantum errors at the same time. These errors—bit-flip and phase-flip—set the stage for actually correcting the problems. Until now, researchers could only find one error at a time.

Quantum errors are generated due to interference such as heat, radiation and defects. All of those interference items would exist in a processor. A conventional bit has two values, 1 and 0, but a qubit, or quantum bit, holds both. Holding both 1 and 0 means that quantum computers can be much faster.

The second claim by IBM is that the company has built a four quantum bit circuit in a one-quarter-inch lattice structure that scales. IBM argues that its lattice is the best way to add qubits to get a working system. Once IBM can manufacture a qubit structure reliably with standard silicon manufacturing it should be easier to add qubits.

IBM’s findings will be published in the journal Nature Communications. »
