Facebook – Documents prove that the social network continued giving some favoured apps access to users’ friends’ data

BBC Cyber News

« Every few days there seems to be a fresh accusation or leak that paints the social network in the worst possible light and calls into question whether it poses a threat to its members, wider society and even democracy itself.

The latest barrage came in the form of a tranche of « confidential » internal emails published online by MPs, who have been smarting that chief executive Mark Zuckerberg refused to testify before them.

As Damian Collins, the chair of the Parliamentary committee responsible, put it, if they could not get « straight answers » from Mr Zuckerberg then at least the emails could reveal how his firm treats users’ data and protects its « dominant position ».

Mr Collins claimed the documents prove that the social network continued giving some favoured apps access to users’ friends’ data after a cut-off point that was supposed to protect its members’ privacy. »
